Get involved
Photo © Kokolopori Bonobo Research Project
Your support is vital to our mission! Here are some ways you can help.
Become a sustaining donor
You choose how much and how often to give. With recurring donations we are able to plan for the future. It's an easy way to make a big impact. Each and every donation makes a difference. Your generous gift will instantly start supporting BCI’s lifesaving work in the Congo rainforest.
Leave a legacy gift to BCI
Including BCI in your will or estate plan is a great way to leave a lasting legacy. By protecting the Congo rainforest, you are helping to ensure a brighter future for all life on Earth.
Volunteer opportunities
BCI has been able to achieve so much with the help of dedicated volunteers. If you would like to volunteer, please send an e-mail to bci@bonobo.org indicating your interests and talents. Please be aware that volunteer opportunities in the field are limited at this time.
Make a gift of stock
Maximize your tax savings by donating your stock to help save bonobos and their habitat. It's easy to do and we will be happy to help you set it up. Simply call us at 202-332-1014 or email us at bci@bonobo.org.
Raise awareness
Be a voice for bonobos in your community! Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media. Share with your networks and help us spread the word about bonobos!
Other ways to support
Did you know that you can donate a portion of the proceeds from eBay sales to charity? Explore more at eBay for Charity!