Exciting Partnership for Lilungu
As our friend and supporter, you know that BCI has been working to protect bonobos for over 25 years. It’s important to take a step back and look at the big picture of all we have accomplished together—and all we still have in store!
Our goal is to create a sustainable, thriving Bonobo Peace Forest. One of our top priorities is securing official protection for the Lilungu forest, a critical habitat corridor for bonobos and other wildlife. We are thrilled to announce a new partnership with Wild Forests and Fauna (WildFF) at this invaluable site!
BCI, WildFF, and local partner organizations are joining forces to take the next steps in protecting Lilungu. WildFF shares BCI’s community-based approach to conservation and brings considerable scientific expertise. We’ll conduct biodiversity assessments, set camera traps, and foster community conservation engagement. Now, every community in the 1.2 million acre territory wants to be involved!
You can help the people of Lilungu protect their forest! If we can raise $5000, we can furnish and supply their new conservation center, an important hub for all of this research and more. Every donation makes a difference for the residents of Lilungu and the bonobos who share their forest.
Keep up to date on the progress in Lilungu and throughout the Peace Forest by following us on social media and by checking out our new website! We have a fresh new look to celebrate the next phase of the Peace Forest’s growth.
As always, thank you for your support!